January 27, 2011

feeling a bit under the weather

prolly bcoz of the weather , kejap ujan kejap panas
secondly coz of the cold i'm having at the moment...sakit tekak yg perit sgt plus now its already gettin itchy so cough also dah kick in
thirdly ...yesss the major dilemma is my fruit heart sudah tibe masa mauuu balik, almost 2 months here made it very hard for me to digest the facts
plus die mmg sudah pandai cakap also made it soo very interesting to play wth her
sobbb sobbb sedehhhh wooo bile pikir, even sanggup travel to nilai the day yg mc , dgn hidung srootttt sretttt tuhh pi travel ke sana semata nak jumpe die
i know i will definitely misss her so much, even now pon dah start rase missing pieces in my heart...
goshhhh soo pathetic of me, heyyy darlin nih anak orang laa...u sibuk2 nihh nape?? ;[ yeahhh anak sedara pon taktaulaaa cmner nak describe anak sendiri
well i guess thts part of life laaa kann...hanya mampu doa she grow up healthy, smart n beautiful wth wonderful characters...n also just hoping tht i murah rezeki to visit her sllau ...jauh wooo , kalo penang tuh mungkin dah pegi jugak gagah kan ujung minggu to see her , ini UK ;[

                                           mishhhhh u budak busuk


  1. hehe kesiannya rindu dia yer.. nanti boleh jumpa lagi kan.. :) anyway, hope u ll get better soon dear.. take care k.. :)

  2. ohh dear...seriesly mmg sgt sedey, we both grew attached wth each other, sis told me tht even masa walking at the airport after arrival she called out my name..she's tired penat jalan so she was seeking for me mintak nak dukung ...ohhh me n my torn heart ..hope to b just strong ..thnx darlin

  3. hi dear tq drop by ermayum dtg lah selalu :)

    about yr comment - parents memang cam tu - banyak2 sabar k - my dad also always finding wrong in me, - but i believe they mean well. so i bet yr mum mean well as well - u take care and byrk2 sabar- mintalah pertolongan Allah dengan sabar dan mengerjakan sembahyang Allah kata - doa biar hati dia lembut tengok u sejuk ja :), k

  4. salam erma...tq soo much dear
    insyaAllah will always try to put +ve vibes in me..
    mmg erma, doa aja yg bole mintak pd Allah..i cant b perfect i can only try hard aja, thnx again dear
