February 18, 2011

a year wiser...insyaAllah

this came to the office yesterday to remind me of my birthday this year...wasn't feeling well..not in the ofc for the day, since they told there's a cake wth it , the ofcmates think tht its better for me to pick it up

alhamdulilah though no big huuuu haaa celebration, i prefer it this way...just that i wish i can celebrate it wth the whole gang bang who send this...i really misses them , looking at the card made me misses them more

thank you for all the wishes from family n frens, n alhamdulillah it couldnt get better when so many great things came into my life ..i 'm blessed InsyaAllah upon Him


  1. happy birthday panjang umur murah rezeki, tak penting sangat celebration as long as we get wiser and wiser :D

  2. mekasih kak erma, insyaAllah mudah2an semakin wiser ;]
