October 11, 2011

Espana Banana , Spring 2010 (Andalusia)..Part 1

Malaga Airport


One word to describe Spain.....Colourful

When u r flying from UK to Spain, seriesly u wud have this inside ur mind ! y??? coz in UK u only see old brick building , grey and brown colour... i guess the they luv to preserve their heritage and old buildings... ;]
Comparing it to Spain, u'll see vibrant color like yellow, orange and red all around..it is sooooo beautiful with the spring weather which is just nice to travel around coz some said its too hot to b in Spain during summer. True enuff i guess sbbnyer, jalan masa spring nihh pon kulit muke balik mmg terbakar..just that its quite windy during the spring plus the place im staying  Malaga, to be exact Torremolinos neighbouring to costa del sol is nearby to the beach ;]
yeahhh beach baby ..hmm hmmmm

          flying on Monarch , bajet airline ;]

actually pegi Spain ni, i followed tour group ...nih mmg kirenyer my first time ikut tour group for all the while i only traveled with my sister berdua je..cume bile sampai to that place we wud take daily excursion jee mcm tuhh.
One funny story happened before flying is, flight to Malaga awal pagi so my sis mmg pepagi dah hantar i to Gatwick since im boarding from there. My sis cant b joining since she has a new baby ..my buah hati Aleesya tuuu. Sis has been trying to reach the tour guide, En Khairul ..ohh yeahh FYI , i'm going via Kelana Convoy but cudn't get thru...agak cuak di situ sbbnyerr i tak jumpe pon any other kemungkinan my tour mates to Spain nihhh...so my sis just pesan ko naik jekk flight to Malaga tuhh nannti pepandai laa tour guide nih carik ko!!! Aikkkkkk Ya Allah mmg rase taktauu nak buat per masa nihhh so mmg tawakal jekklaa. Tapi pon pikir that masa check in sure ada kemungkinan jumpe other tour mates kan, but tak adooo
After check in, oklahhhh pikir takpelaaaa mungkin dlm flight akan jumpe gakk kottt tour mates nnt...yerlaaa bukan perrr this Kelana Convoy nih yg join org melayu , soo kalo jumpe melayu tuh mesti yg g ikut tour nih kannn!!!
Ok while walking to boarding room, ade laa nampak sorang mamat nihhh sambil tarik beg, he's in front of me... hehhehehhe dalam hati i was saying to myself "mamat nih mcm Al-Qaeda jekk"...seriesly he was wearing a sunnies, pastuh pakai long black coat dengan jambang yg sejibik mcm Osama....ok Abg Khairul if ..if u r reading ths hehheheh im sure everybody said that tooo..kekkekkekekke
then kebetulan die pandang blakang..n said u XXXXXX ke??? ohhh dah jumpe org ckp melayu tetibe i terbangak di situ n terus blurted out yerrrrr ...Hokk alahhh yg i kutuk Al Qaeda tuu is my tour guide rupenyer..ahhahhahahhaha
Kenapa die tauu i adelahh orang tuh, coz im the only  Malay gurl yg pegi alone this tour from Malaysia...that's y he's confident ...
Masa dah turun dari flight baru laaa berkumpul n jumpe other tour mates, n kat situ baru kenal2..
there's this couple Pak Ndak n Mak Ndak from kedah...Rudy n Min both from west M'sia.kak Sahla from Shah Alam n later join a Syrian girl Sahla...
They r all simply a wonderful person n really glad i know them

taken from top rock of Gibraltar


  1. awwww bestnya... lelebih lagi ikut tour kan, selain tengok tempat we can get to know other people jugak.. tak sabar nak baca yr journey dalam part seterusnya.. :)

  2. salam hai dear...how r u?? n baby too??? ;]
    yerr beb quite nice la ikut this tour no doubt, kenal few malaysian, ade yg residing in UK studying n continuing some professional paper..n the gurl from syria tuh pon is actually furthering her phd in pharmacy
    probably bcoz simpler ckp melayu jekk kan among us..hhehheheh
    i totally recommend this tour Kelana Convoy to u esp the trip to andalusia, but u hv to follow from UK laa...n since me going to UK to visit my sis, so its like g jalan skali laa to spain

  3. wahhhh bile pegi? tak kasitau ye haha.
    andalusia best; nanti kalau ada rezeki lebih, nak ke situ lagi. sangat suka andalusia :)

  4. beb...i g last year beb..masa spring, early May
    masyaAllah cantek kannn...yesss i tgk all ur pic in ur andalusia post...
    i rindu sgt nak ke sana lgk...Andalusia is soo beautiful as unique as its name ;]

  5. salamun a'laikum

    waaaaaaa akak nxt trip nk ikotttttt hahaha

  6. wasalam...
    InsyaAllah bole je...kiter simpan tabung ayam k...dont worry ader rezeki kiter g skali ngn mama ekk...

  7. best nya nampak :) mana lagi gambo ?hehe

  8. kak erma, maaf yerr baru bukak my blog nih nampak akak nyer message...hehhehhe sy nih kan pemalu orangnyerrr
    insyaAllah bersambungan nnt...truly am sooryy superrrr duper bz
