March 9, 2011

i've been write

surely u cannot say tht when it comes to eating...nape tak makan???? MALAS, takde maknenyerr...
Kalo bab makan mmg i rajin...hehhehhe , bukan rajin jee jawapan die pasti laju je...Jom ;p
a belated birthday treat wth my bestie n her family last weken mmg sgt best..we hardly met up, but surely when we managed to do that turn out so great
the special treat at Chili's Empire mmg all about makan jee...n yeah i tried the all much hyped about macarons yg ade in Empire too...
ermmmm turn out so-so...oklahhh but it just tooo sweet, n ntahlaaa rase too small gak laa...n further they just packed in a white paper bag...mcm yerlaaa ken main  kannnn pasal this macarons, tapi bungkus dlm beg kertas nih je...ahhahhahha what do u expect darlin...???? ekkekekkeke
mmg tak lehh blah sgt makan nihh, maniss sgt sama mcm mkn cupcakes..potong kaki laa jawabnyaaa
surely it's been a favourites of others but i'm more of a savoury stuff person, even sometimes sweet tooth can do no harm


  1. mahal gilos kat empire tu i tak suka manissssss

    tu hari zarin pickle pie experiment - dalam tu dia letak strawberry jem sedap dear baru lah i suka maccaroon sweet sour lak tu nanti nak order dari dia heheh

  2. kak erma...yerpp mmg manis giler, tak tahan potong kaki, somtimes i niih mmg sweet tooth skit tapi tuh mcm nak sakit gigi dah mkn, yerrpp plus its a bit pricey for a verrry smallll n cenonet okeyyy, baik i g beli roti garlic ke bun ke kann..ahhahhahah

  3. seriously, i have never tasted macarons. and not that intrigued to do so sebab bunyi dia macam sejenis binatang which i cannot point out what. hahahahaha.

    anyway, permission to link the blog wif mine. but appreciate if you could also introduce yourself, as i don't think i know you (from my cirle of friends). dunno how to address you, actually and calling you "missbehave" sounded slightly... wrong :) because i don't think you are misbehaved.


  4. kekkekke i taktau M which part of the macaron yg u takleh mkn tuh bunyinye cam binatang tuu..quite nice cume can b too sweet, kene kurangkan skit gula.. ;]

    permission granted beb, tapi apalahh sgt blog mengarut bebel i u mind if we introduce thru email, can i have urs or mayb u can just mail me to my add..

    sbb i cube carik link to ur email from the blog tapi tkde..thts okey , looking forward from u dear ..salam
