March 14, 2011

i can't n i won't erase u from my mind..not even close to my heart

i am a sucker for a romantic books n romantic-comedy movies  ...i guess terlalu byk romantic comedy muvi yg fall under my fave list..among few are you've got mail, serendipity, while you were sleeping, fifty first date, chasing liberty, n yeahhh all the korean dramas too...

n to note that also, in real life a i can be a hopeless romantic too...ngehhhh . had this biggest crush to this guy whom i known back in 2006. known him during a course , but we didnt really click at that time. only later after balik from the course we apparently keep in touch

from a phone call to a not-so-date thingie, we did go out together ..i know he was taken coz he had this relationship wth another girl. Surely on his side also, going out wth me is only a for sake of a fren . we never did say anything at all, but i dunno whether he did suspect anything on my side. i'm bit of a blunt person sometimes my action wud speak louder than my words...During all of my past trip where i found some outdoor gadgets which hardly seen or found here, i'm sure will get it for him (dgn condition pitih pon cukuplaa kan) ..hhehhehhehe .

yerlaaaa ala lallalla gadis melayu gituuu..ehehh takkan nak terang2an bgtau ' i like u kan???? what i really like about him is...i can always be myself when i'm around him, no a way i can just laugh out loud just the way i used too, mkn takyah control2..nampak sgt mkn mcm org tak beradab.. ehhehehhe . there were few occasion we went out for a muvi together n yeahh my heart always leaped inside each time we go out . I even asked him out for MCR concert ;] ..a time well spent . Late nite supper after muvi to one of mine fav place n i guess it becomes his too. As much as i always pray to Allah mudah2an jodoh i panjang wth him, He knew best .

At this point of time, even i'm not saying tht i'm playing wth fire..we still keep in touch. The thought of avoiding him after his marriage seems to kill me. I dont want anyone to think that i mmg sengaja nak layan laki orang, well its not. When it come to soal hati , terlalu susah sgt nak mengerti. I drew a very big line in communicating wth him. It only happen occasionally while keeping a big note reminder that sampai bebile pon die nih totally taken. Yes we both are still much of fren together. Masih lagi membelikan apa saje outdoor gajets yg terlintas di hati each time i went abroad. Alhamdullilah seme yg i bagik pd die, insyaAllah mmg sgt disukai coz he always said tht he trust my taste. I'm too a gadget person tapi rase dah terllau kurang buat outdoor aktiviti, so lebey baik belikan pd die.

this entry is kindda dedicated to him, even mmg tak rase yg die tau pasal kewujudan blog nih..i guess tuh lebey baik. Penah dedicate a song to him, taktaulaa die blur ke kan..hehheheh. Ungu- cinta dalam hati.
So i can't and i won't erase from my mind, not even close to my heart.

mungkin ini memang jalan takdirku
mengagumi tanpa dicintai
tak mengapa bagiku, asalkan kau pon bahagia
dengan hidupmu, dengan hidupmu

telah lama kupendam perasaan itu\
menunggu hatimu menyambut diriku
tak mengapa bagiku cintaimu pun adalah
bahagia untukku, bahagia untuukku

ku ingin kau tahu, diriku disini menanti dirimu
meski ku tunggu hingga hujung waktuku
dan berharap rasa ini kan abadi untuk selamanya
dan izinkan aku memeluk dirimu kali ini saja
tuk ucapkan selamat tinggal untuk selamanya
dan biarkan rasa ini bahagia untuk sekejab sahaja


  1. alamak, apa ni jiwang-jiwang bulan march? hahahaha apsal semua org tulis benda jiwang nih! nanti kena kasi entry jiwang jugala.

    patutlah suka "the second chance" yeeeeee? hahaha

  2. yesss tgh jiwang karatss skang , takyah tunggu march pon will always b one ;] ..yeahhhh i guess everyone deserves a second chance rite?? ;]

  3. ohh dear it is fire that u re playing indeed dear misbehave i am just worried its your heart who is going to get hurt - stay objective that he is only a friend dear and live and allow yourself to explore other friendship with other guys :) the not taken one of course
