November 29, 2011

tetibe rase nak layan gamba jekk harini...

Hasting, UK

Bern, Swiss

Jungfrau, Swiss

xcuse my poyoness,,hikkhikk (Zurich, swiss)

wth Aleesya, (Walthamstow Central)
batu2 tak siap :p (Stonehenge,UK)

Big Ben, UK
Costa Del Sol, Spain
Bath, UK
Granada, Spain
Medinat Az Zahra, Cordoba
Malaga, Spain

October 11, 2011

Espana Banana , Spring 2010 (Andalusia)..Part 1

Malaga Airport


One word to describe Spain.....Colourful

When u r flying from UK to Spain, seriesly u wud have this inside ur mind ! y??? coz in UK u only see old brick building , grey and brown colour... i guess the they luv to preserve their heritage and old buildings... ;]
Comparing it to Spain, u'll see vibrant color like yellow, orange and red all is sooooo beautiful with the spring weather which is just nice to travel around coz some said its too hot to b in Spain during summer. True enuff i guess sbbnyer, jalan masa spring nihh pon kulit muke balik mmg terbakar..just that its quite windy during the spring plus the place im staying  Malaga, to be exact Torremolinos neighbouring to costa del sol is nearby to the beach ;]
yeahhh beach baby ..hmm hmmmm

          flying on Monarch , bajet airline ;]

actually pegi Spain ni, i followed tour group ...nih mmg kirenyer my first time ikut tour group for all the while i only traveled with my sister berdua je..cume bile sampai to that place we wud take daily excursion jee mcm tuhh.
One funny story happened before flying is, flight to Malaga awal pagi so my sis mmg pepagi dah hantar i to Gatwick since im boarding from there. My sis cant b joining since she has a new baby buah hati Aleesya tuuu. Sis has been trying to reach the tour guide, En Khairul ..ohh yeahh FYI , i'm going via Kelana Convoy but cudn't get thru...agak cuak di situ sbbnyerr i tak jumpe pon any other kemungkinan my tour mates to Spain my sis just pesan ko naik jekk flight to Malaga tuhh nannti pepandai laa tour guide nih carik ko!!! Aikkkkkk Ya Allah mmg rase taktauu nak buat per masa nihhh so mmg tawakal jekklaa. Tapi pon pikir that masa check in sure ada kemungkinan jumpe other tour mates kan, but tak adooo
After check in, oklahhhh pikir takpelaaaa mungkin dlm flight akan jumpe gakk kottt tour mates nnt...yerlaaa bukan perrr this Kelana Convoy nih yg join org melayu , soo kalo jumpe melayu tuh mesti yg g ikut tour nih kannn!!!
Ok while walking to boarding room, ade laa nampak sorang mamat nihhh sambil tarik beg, he's in front of me... hehhehehhe dalam hati i was saying to myself "mamat nih mcm Al-Qaeda jekk"...seriesly he was wearing a sunnies, pastuh pakai long black coat dengan jambang yg sejibik mcm Osama....ok Abg Khairul if ..if u r reading ths hehheheh im sure everybody said that tooo..kekkekkekekke
then kebetulan die pandang blakang..n said u XXXXXX ke??? ohhh dah jumpe org ckp melayu tetibe i terbangak di situ n terus blurted out yerrrrr ...Hokk alahhh yg i kutuk Al Qaeda tuu is my tour guide rupenyer..ahhahhahahhaha
Kenapa die tauu i adelahh orang tuh, coz im the only  Malay gurl yg pegi alone this tour from Malaysia...that's y he's confident ...
Masa dah turun dari flight baru laaa berkumpul n jumpe other tour mates, n kat situ baru kenal2..
there's this couple Pak Ndak n Mak Ndak from kedah...Rudy n Min both from west M'sia.kak Sahla from Shah Alam n later join a Syrian girl Sahla...
They r all simply a wonderful person n really glad i know them

taken from top rock of Gibraltar

October 6, 2011

niche??? should i have one????

Well some have been asking, y dont u just make ur writing into a niche...
for some they would be writing about food and recipes, family ,academic, arts, hobbies and for me should i write bout my passion??? !!!
yeahhh i have followed some travel blogger , n find quite interesting with the info given, piccas and travel tips
Over the years Alhamdulillah have traveled to some countries around...n seriesly its such an eye opener when u have the opportunity to travel...but probably i cudnt be as detailed as all these blogger... hehhhehheheh
Probably coz i nihhh malas nak  outline all the details like them...
hehehehhe that's y tulis blog mcm cacamarba ;] ...tak kisahlaaaa asalkan bole baca ...
Anyway i guess yeahhh i wud love to write about travel too..
InsyaAllah soon.. ;]
Tgh finding my mood, ngehhhhhh ...

August 11, 2011

fuhhhhh fuhhh fuhhhhh huhuuhuuhu tiup sawang

segala mcm jenis habuk dah melekat, bersawang pon ader kt my blog ni...huuhhuhuhuhu sungguh tak rajin nak blogging ths few months...but i do miss writing anyway ..

hows ur Ramadhan so far???? for me ..whats the month in Islam yg paling barakah other than Ramadhan ..mmg bulan nihhh sgt ajaib laa for me coz mmg bole bangun pagi2 , bersahur tunggu subuh...mengaji

well so many things happened thruout ths few months, i kinnnda gonna wrap the whole thing in this entry, tried to make a point to travel n visit few family n frens all around ..was in melaka during April to visit my old skoolmate who's back for her holiday from Sweden ..doing her phd there at the moment

in May, to temerloh, visiting my cousin..yeah for the first time i finally eat ikan patin pais...huhuhuuh being me yg hanya mkn ikan goreng garing, i think this dish is reallllyyy ohhsemmmm hahhhahhaha ..later he brought me to kuantan n also his wife's hometown in kemaman..this was a reallly pleasant trip as i'm sooo much in luv wth kuantan coz it reminds me of my adoloscent years back then...makan ikan bakar in tanjung lumpur..mkn kepok lekor, g jenjalan beach waktu mlm in TC...ohhh soo blissful

hahahhahha ni gamba dah habis makan

paintings n caricature

  cantikkan TC waktu mlm

in kemamam, my cousin bawak me to ths famous kedai Hai peng...i think their iced coffea mmg terbekkkkk...sampai skng teringat n teringin, ahaksssss ..sana toksah ckplaaaa keje nyer makan n makan lagik...seronok jenjalan wth my cousin nihhh coz he's mmmg kaki makan.. :p ..ckplaaa the best food in the place die mmg tauuu

hai peng ice coffea,,lebey sedap dr starbuk yaaa

credits to this couple..cantekkan kedai ni?

 we had satar n otak-otak for our mkn petang..huhuhuh otak-otak sini bkn spt otak2 kempas yaa...purely fresh fish sahaja...thats y i think i dok sini bole lebey healthy sbb mmg fish based food is everywhere ..hmmmmm

   ini satar yer puan-puan   ;]

tooo bad takleh nak tapau satar nih..sbbnyerr org yg dtg makan kat kedai nihhh punyerlaaaaaa ramai, yg nak tapau bawak balik tidak dibenarkan...hanya kalo tkde org jekkk bole tapau, gitu boleh???? huhuhuhuh , rindu betul nak mkn satar nih skng..rase yg ade in KJ or Shah Alam ni during ramadhan bazar mmg tkde laaa bole beat the taste of pure terengganu satar ..hmmmm

the same monthh also , i g Sungai Petani..nih kirenya a long awaited travel since my bestie was there...teaching in die mmg dah few times dok ajak ke ok, it was just a 3 days trip visiting her n the whole family ...jenjalan in SP skit..die bawak g opis die in UITM, g penang ..tried her hubby's signature dish nasi mandy which he prepared ..n ehemm of coz wth the help of the wife..hehhhehe ...having to spend the day n time wth her n kids are one of the best time i had ..its not really where u spend but the great company u had rite???

  us in Penang, waiting fr lunch..huhuhu

isn't she adorable??
In June, went for a company's teambuilding in PD......the place was quite nice..a small resort tht caters small company functions n family day...
nihh mmmg menguji kesabaran n jiwa gakklaa..esp for the outdoor game coz everything was purely based on teamwork plus strategy, some of the games which requires everyone in the team to moved certain object from one point to another using only ROPES...hmmm some of the objects are log, a bucket, a bucket full of bricks, mineral water bottle..ade game tuh kene do in pair, dua2 kene ikat kaki togthr, sorang ikat tgn sorang tutup mata...yg tutup mata kene masak yg ikat tangan bagi instructions...haaaaa hambekkk ko cube laaa memasak!!!!! haru biru kelam kabut...but in all its actually mmg best n good coz u know that u will n have to work in team n try to solve the solutions togther

early July plak, company buat family day in Morib...i think morib ni mmg best coz its just a simple place which u can go over the weken wth ur family..tak jauh ikut hi way klang, masuk teluk panglima garang, then teluk datuk lalu banting n u r there !!!!  ..just santai2 jalan kat beach ...its kindda kewl the place tht we stay ni Impiana Morib..dekat jee ngn Dataran Morib which at nite mmg happening ..bebudak main fixie, ader yg main all those sorts of toys yg ade lampu lip lap lip lapp tuuuu ...ths Family day nih mmg just a simple gathering for the staff togthr wth their children . the highlight was the dinner n also lucky draw whcih me not tht lucky laaa...jhuhuhuhuu tapi alhamdulillah small token aderlaa
view from the room

  one of the chalet

Well i guess that a wrap for my MIA heheheh for the past few months..yaaa almost like an excerpt of everything from Aprill till July , ahaksss

April 5, 2011

if you want to be happy, be

A saying form Leo Tolstoy ...which i think that is true coz every decisions and actions are only determined by us, ourself. For every mind set that we have would eventually transpired thru our action. If we choose to be sad, lazy and demotivated then there you will come out with being cranky and mood swing.
Thus if u choose to be happy, excited n enthusiastic, then voila!!! you will feel motivated and determined in doing the best for yourself and others too.

For me i choose to be happy and positive. Its not easy for me, probably here because I'm diagnosed wth congenital Ichthyosis. Just google it, there goes out the answer. According to a dermatologist, its one of the rarest disease. Probably one in a hundred thousand. I was born with it , according to mother,skin started to developed probably around 3 months.For me i never ask a lot, coz it always painful dealing wth the facts.

My skin is very dry, flaky n times it cracks open so it makes it very fragile n prone to infection. Growing up probably was veryy tough for me, but Alhamdulillah all praises to Allah bcoz i knew He hold the answer to it. Digesting the facts n going thru every moment is tormenting and being innocent,  i keep asking why Allah choose me. I've gone thru that phase, i guess now i deal with it better.

Nevertheless, embracing the fact is much different with dealing human perception. Going to school during chilhood n adolescent was...probably better word to describe it is 'nightmare'. Sometimes i do make up reason to mother saying i'm sick. True enough, i'm sick but to put up wth bad talk, stares and isolation  from other school mates just the perfect reason. But that doesn't mean i never befriended anyone or nobody wants to be friend . I have found a true friends that until today, we still hold that friendship. I'm bless with good friends around who wants to care and understand me. I'm thankful for that, and if i ever come across people  who tried to put me down on how i look , then i guess its their loss. The best thing in life is just to have kind hearted people who are kind enough sometimes to put their feet into my shoes...Yess it will NEVER fit but at least to have a crying shoulder is a blessing.

Throughout my life, i had to put up with so many distressful behaviour from others. For which sometimes it really put me down at the lowest bottom of my life. Tell me, stares and bad talk are just bad enough, but i have gone thru more than that. Being hired for a day, just because the wife's boss think that i look weird, people moved away when I sit beside them and also denied for a gym membership are one of the few examples. The worst was i guess when i was in a boarding school, i had to be isolated from others..instead of staying in a dorm of four ..i had the room all to myself. Its not easy , so many times i broke down and cried and cried. Being far away from good buddies and  family make it worst. 

Experiences made me stronger. I matured from all these experiences. I'm fully content for what He plan for me.I believe that Allah chose me because He know i am special. Never meant to sound pathetic..but i want to instill the idea of that whatever reason being...i must think that Allah meant the best for me. Yesss kene slalu berbaik sangka pada ketentuan Allah.

"Warfare is ordained for you, though it is hateful unto you; but it may happen that ye hate a thing which is good for you, and it may happen that ye love a thing which is bad for you. Allah knoweth, ye know not." (Al Baqarah:216)

This is one of the best Quran verse which  describe it. I know ALLAH love me, and this is just part of His test. Alhamdulillah 

March 14, 2011

i can't n i won't erase u from my mind..not even close to my heart

i am a sucker for a romantic books n romantic-comedy movies  ...i guess terlalu byk romantic comedy muvi yg fall under my fave list..among few are you've got mail, serendipity, while you were sleeping, fifty first date, chasing liberty, n yeahhh all the korean dramas too...

n to note that also, in real life a i can be a hopeless romantic too...ngehhhh . had this biggest crush to this guy whom i known back in 2006. known him during a course , but we didnt really click at that time. only later after balik from the course we apparently keep in touch

from a phone call to a not-so-date thingie, we did go out together ..i know he was taken coz he had this relationship wth another girl. Surely on his side also, going out wth me is only a for sake of a fren . we never did say anything at all, but i dunno whether he did suspect anything on my side. i'm bit of a blunt person sometimes my action wud speak louder than my words...During all of my past trip where i found some outdoor gadgets which hardly seen or found here, i'm sure will get it for him (dgn condition pitih pon cukuplaa kan) ..hhehhehhehe .

yerlaaaa ala lallalla gadis melayu gituuu..ehehh takkan nak terang2an bgtau ' i like u kan???? what i really like about him is...i can always be myself when i'm around him, no a way i can just laugh out loud just the way i used too, mkn takyah control2..nampak sgt mkn mcm org tak beradab.. ehhehehhe . there were few occasion we went out for a muvi together n yeahh my heart always leaped inside each time we go out . I even asked him out for MCR concert ;] ..a time well spent . Late nite supper after muvi to one of mine fav place n i guess it becomes his too. As much as i always pray to Allah mudah2an jodoh i panjang wth him, He knew best .

At this point of time, even i'm not saying tht i'm playing wth fire..we still keep in touch. The thought of avoiding him after his marriage seems to kill me. I dont want anyone to think that i mmg sengaja nak layan laki orang, well its not. When it come to soal hati , terlalu susah sgt nak mengerti. I drew a very big line in communicating wth him. It only happen occasionally while keeping a big note reminder that sampai bebile pon die nih totally taken. Yes we both are still much of fren together. Masih lagi membelikan apa saje outdoor gajets yg terlintas di hati each time i went abroad. Alhamdullilah seme yg i bagik pd die, insyaAllah mmg sgt disukai coz he always said tht he trust my taste. I'm too a gadget person tapi rase dah terllau kurang buat outdoor aktiviti, so lebey baik belikan pd die.

this entry is kindda dedicated to him, even mmg tak rase yg die tau pasal kewujudan blog nih..i guess tuh lebey baik. Penah dedicate a song to him, taktaulaa die blur ke kan..hehheheh. Ungu- cinta dalam hati.
So i can't and i won't erase from my mind, not even close to my heart.

mungkin ini memang jalan takdirku
mengagumi tanpa dicintai
tak mengapa bagiku, asalkan kau pon bahagia
dengan hidupmu, dengan hidupmu

telah lama kupendam perasaan itu\
menunggu hatimu menyambut diriku
tak mengapa bagiku cintaimu pun adalah
bahagia untukku, bahagia untuukku

ku ingin kau tahu, diriku disini menanti dirimu
meski ku tunggu hingga hujung waktuku
dan berharap rasa ini kan abadi untuk selamanya
dan izinkan aku memeluk dirimu kali ini saja
tuk ucapkan selamat tinggal untuk selamanya
dan biarkan rasa ini bahagia untuk sekejab sahaja